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5 de agosto de 2011

The Good Life

[Jason]: "They call the hole left by the passage of a bullet through the body a permanent cavity. A permanent cavity is what cops strive for when shooting someone dangerous. They say the best bullet for the job when trying to incapacitate someone dangerous is the one that's bigger, the one with the most velocity, the one that creates the largest permanent cavity, the one that kills faster. What I think would be worse is being hit by a smaller caliber bullet over... and over... and over. A lifetime full of pain. Who needs 10 to 15 seconds more? -- But it's not pain. It's laughing with your friend at a time when you shouldn't. It's the sweat in your palms wanting to know someone you see and the pit in your stomach when they actually see you. It's being touched by hands that aren't your own. It's the thrill of an escape that almost wasn't. It's the embarrassment you feel, naked for the first time. It's helping a friend find something they lost. It's a smile, a joke, a song. It's what someone does that they like doing. It's what someone does that they like remembering. It's the thinking of things you may never do and the doing of things you may never have thought. It's the road ahead and the road behind. It's the first step and the last and every one in between, because they all make up the good life".

Texto extraído do filme "The Good Life (Canadá/EUA, 2007)".

Escrito e dirigido por Stephen Berra.
Estrelado por Mark Webber, Zooey Deschanel e Harry Dean Stanton.
Participações de Bill Paxton, Chris Klein, Patrick Fugit, Drea de Matteo.

Sinopse: Jason (Mark Webber) se revesa entre dois empregos para ajudar sua mãe, trabalhando em um cinema que exibe filmes antigos e em um posto de combustível. Até que um dia conhece a misteriosa Frances (Zooey Deschanel) que faz com a que sua vida mude.

Não é o suprassumo do cinema mundial. É apenas o retrato despretensioso das angústias de um jovem adulto de uma cidade de interior. É simples, sensível. E com personagens misteriosos e bem interpretados.

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